Steering Commitee Meetings
Maritime Cargo
Port Operations
Ports and People
Ports & Regional Tourism
Cultural Aspects
Urban & Port Development
Passenger Trends
BPT: Passengers
Ports and Regional Tourism (Start-up Conference) (Genoa)
Workshop Manual
LAG Appennino Genovese is a local development Agency which aims to sustain and develop economic and entrepreneurial activities within the territory of the Province of Genoa, with particular regard for those concerning tourism.
Founded in 1997, now LAG AG involves 24 bodies, public and private with the aim of supporting local/regional socio-economic development. Particularly attention it was dedicated to support tourism and territorial marketing.

The LAG worked in collaboration with its partner as, Province of Genoa, Chamber of Commerce, Trade Associations mainly in the promotion of the territory, by trying to merge investments in the area, in order to favour the development of small enterprises.
The LAG has also promoted and activated trans-national and local cooperation projects becoming a means of information on enterprise opportunities and promotional towards institutional public bodies, and stakeholders of local development.

The topics of the workshop "Port and Regional" are very interesting for the LAG because our organization has worked for long time in the development of tourism.
This action has been forwarded on three levels:

- local level, through technical assistance and incentives favouring the development of SME working in the tourism, handcraft and business fields
- regional level, through the promotion of networks among the enterprises of the tourism sector and the promotion of synergies between the different economic sectors
- international level, through the development of promotion's actions, the participation in marketing events and other international exhibitions, in cooperation with the Province of Genoa and the Chamber of Commerce.

LAG actions are promoted with the consent of all representatives for local development, public institutions, cultural and voluntary associations, so that all identified steps are shared and strengthened by everyone's contribution. LAG is participating in the project in collaboration with the Genoese Chamber of Commerce with whom it has worked out numerous tourism, marketing and promotional initiatives, both on a regional and international level.
The Province of Genoa is characterised by the presence of the mercantile and tourist port of Genoa, which is one of the main ports of Italy and, indeed, the Mediterranean, but also by many smaller tourist ports which are closely linked to tourism, commercial and entrepreneurial activities, along the Ligurian coast and in the inland areas. A particular mention should be made of the Nautical Industrial District, which comprises some important
Small and Medium enterprises connected with leisure harbours and the production linked to these, as well as scuba equipment. These business enterprises are closely connected to the local ports and to the success of tourism along the Ligurian coast. These businesses represent a particularly dynamic sector of the regional economy, as will become clear during the course of this workshop.

The LAG takes part to the Port-Net project as an agency of development that aims to involve the many public and private subjects that are connected with the development and the management of the Port of Genoa and the other smaller tourist harbours located on the coast.
Therefore, Port-Net is an important opportunity for us to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa to consolidate the local and regional partnership. Moreover, the Province of Alessandria in the partnership of the project is an important opportunity to consolidate the good relationship between the port and the transfer system in the north part of Italy; the Province of Alessandria is indeed located behind the Genoa's harbour, in the main road that links Genoa and the north-west part of Italy and Europe; so it is the natural basin of the trade activities' development for the port of Genoa.

The LAG takes part to the Steering Committee and it has an important role as coordinator in the component 4 "Port and People" that investigates the tourist aspects connected within the seaport and its induced activities. The Genoa workshop has been the first planned in the component 4 and it was successful because it was been able to collect a lot of key local actors: Regione Liguria, Provincia di Genova, Comune di Genova, Comune di Lerici, l'Associazione ELM e l'Acquario di Genova, la Camera di Commercio e l'Autorità Portuale.
On Friday afternoon the first Working Group Meeting of the component 4 happened; during it the group planned the beginning activities as the thematic study, the timeplan of the next meeting, workshops and best practise.

Results and Recommendations

The Port-Net Genoa meeting was an important step for LAG staff. It was an important opportunity to increase and to develop the regional partnership of the project. LAG was able to involve Chamber of Commerce f Genoa, Port Authority, Liguria Region, Genoa Municipality, Province of Genoa, Costa Edutaiment. All these bodies had the opportunity to exchange experiences with international Port-Net partners and to increase their own interest in the project. The Genoa meeting had another important result: info and publicity. The most important newspaper of Liguria Region wrote a piece about the Port-Net meeting. Last important result was the presence of Mrs Vincenzi, member of European Parliament.
Proceedings and Lectures
- size 500k
Lecture Bertelli
- size 119k
Lecture Minetti
- size 119k
Lecture Cappato
- size 109k
Lecture Galleano
- size 245k
Lecture Ghia
- size 268k
Lecture Vincenzi
- size 87k