Project Schedule
Targets & Components
Targets & Components
The overall target of Port-Net is to achieve within the participating port communities (and beyond) an increased understanding of the determinants describing an optimal organisation, operational structure, capacity and regional integration of ports.

Since ports are an important link of the transport chain, sub-objectives are (1) to increase quality of port services and (2) to encourage cost efficient and environmentally friendly maritime transportation and modern multi-modal hinterland structures.

This shall generate higher value added services within the ports and higher employment and increased prosperity in their regions. Thus port communities, by taking advantage of a closer interregional EU cooperation, shall be enabled to give better answers to the challenges of a globally operating transport industry.
Besides the coordinating steering committee meetings the activities of the three further components of Port-Net are dealing with present questions on port development and transport economics.

The component EU-Policies, Port Adminis- tration, Management and Finance will initiate a best practice dialog on different administrative, management and financing forms in the light of an identical framework of EU-regulations. Target of these activities is to contribute to an increase of sectoral efficiency and a reduction of trade costs.

The component "Ports and Multi-modal Transport Structures" contains the subtopics Maritime Cargo Transportation Challenges and Port Operations, Hinterland Cargo Distribution and Logistic Centres from the maritime and landside perspective. Here the challenges for ferry and short-sea shipping, container operations and multi-modal hinterland structures in the light of the fast booming inter and intra-EU trade will be analysed.

In the final component Ports and People several activities deal with challenges concerning maritime passengers, tourists, urban-development, environment and culture. These new port activities with a growing demand are an important challenge for the infrastructural port development, since on the one hand jobs and value added can be attracted and on the other hand conflicts with traditional activities have to be solved.